• Play Kirtan!

    April 2 – 6, 2024

    Hridaya Yoga France
    Longeval, St-Just-d’Avray

    This course aims at deepening and refining the musical quality and spiritual understanding of the practice of chanting mantras, named kirtan or bhajan in Sanskrit.

    While this practice in itself is simple and accessible to anyone, with no need for specific knowledge or training, its spiritual depth and spectrum of musical unfolding will benefit greatly from the guiding presence of one or several facilitating musicians with certain skills – and this might be you!

    The workshop follows two main topics: on the one hand, to expand and to refine your musical vocabulary, improving rhythmic firmness, variety of rhythms, awareness of musical dramaturgy, tempo and dynamic variations. And on the other hand, to deepen your metaphysical understanding of the power of …