Shining Heart Retreats Summer 2024

Deepen your yoga practice in a vibrant environment in the midst of nature

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Welcome to Suryamandala Yoga!

We invite you to join us on a journey

into the depth of your own Heart.

Learn to detach from all kinds of burdens and re-settle yourself in the condition of love and awareness that is your very nature.

Reconnect to the very source of power and happiness that lies within you.

Suryamandala Yoga offers quality yoga and meditation retreats in secluded locations. Inspired by the yogis of lore, who went into caves and forests to inquire into life’s mysteries, undisturbed by the distractions of civilization, we invite you to practice with us far away from the hustle and bustle of modern life.

Living in voluntary simplicity, your heart will open more easily to the beauty and purity of the natural surroundings, and your mind will rest more easily in the present moment.


All has been consecrated.
The creatures in the forest know this,
The earth does, the seas do, the clouds know
as does the heart full of love.

(St. Catherine of Siena)

Suryamandala Yoga Retreats are held in various locations around the Iberic peninsula, in secluded forest getaways.

Also please feel welcome to check out our Online offerings.